For the quarrying industries, mining industries, cement industries, waste management industries as well as refineries, we offer various types of conveyor belts such as textile, steel, nylon, chevron, heat resistant and fire resistant belt.

GCI offers belt with different cover grades such as DIN-X, DIN-Y, N-17, RMA2 and many more.

Product Characteristics

Common Widths : 500 mm to 2400 mm
Carcass Variety Available : EP / NN
Common Belt Rating : 200 to 3150 kN/m (110 to 1800 PIW)
No. of Piles : 2 ply to 7 ply
Edge : Cut/Moulded Edge
Splicing Method : Hot/Cold/Mechanical
Belt Designation Normal Carcass Thickness, mm Minimum Recommeded Pully Diameter (mm) for 60-100% loading (Drive / Bend / Snub)
Rating NN EP EP
200/2 1.80 1.60 200 / 165 / 125
250/2 1.90 2.00 250 / 200 / 160
315/2 2.00 2.10 250 / 200 / 160
315/3 3.05 2.75 315 / 250 / 200
400/2 2.30 2.60 315 / 250 / 200
400/3 3.20 3.35 400 / 315 / 250
400/4 4.30 3.90 500 / 400 / 315
500/3 3.35 3.50 400 / 315 / 250
500/4 4.50 4.70 630 / 500 / 400
500/5 5.55 5.05 630 / 500 / 400
630/3 3.80 4.25 500 / 400 / 315
630/4 4.70 4.90 630 / 500 / 400
800/3 4.10 4.70 630 / 500 / 400
800/4 5.30 5.90 800 / 630 / 500
1000/3 4.40 5.30 630 / 500 / 400
1000/4 6.00 6.80 800 / 630 / 500
1250/4 6.10 7.30 800 / 630 / 500
1250/5 7.30 8.30 1000 / 800 / 630
1400/4 7.20 8.40 1000 / 800 / 630
1600/4 7.40 9.60 1250 / 1000 / 800
1600/5 8.20 9.70 1250 / 1000 / 1000
2000/4 8.80 10.40 1250 / 1000 / 800
2000/5 9.45 12.20 1400 / 1250 / 1000
2000/5 11.20 13.20 1600 / 1250 / 1000